Right now, I am grateful for the cup of coffee that my work colleague has just made for me, it’s the perfect blend of coffee and plenty of milk for me. I’m also grateful that I have fuel in my car for my journey home and that I laughed over lunch while reminiscing about completing a Tough Mudder this year. It brought back great memories and made me feel happy.
It would take 1 or 2 minutes in your day and a bit of time to think – I find that it can make you feel a little bit lighter. I find that it boosts my motivation levels, sharpens my mind towards the things that I should focus my time and energy on, and it has helped to stop me from taking things in my life for granted.
The hardest thing is reflecting on what you are grateful for about yourself. I have always found it easier to identify the things that I can see in front of me. But I would say, if you can master the art of self-reflection and being able to analyse yourself like that, it can bring a real sense of belonging and happiness.
So, if you think it might be something that you could add to your daily routine and want to give it a try, just ask yourself a few questions when you have a couple of minutes to think:
What are you grateful for in your life today and why?
Who are you grateful for in your life today and why?
What are you grateful for about yourself today?
The next steps to this is, to tell the people who you feel grateful for – pass it on. You might even make their day too! It’s worth a go!