Everyone thinks that it’s much easier to grab a bag of crisps from the vending machine or a chocolate bar to give you a boost of sugar when the afternoon lull hits in the office…  but there are ways to snack in the office which can also boost your mood, memory and productivity. And… they’re not too crazy either! 

I started looking into the types of easy to prepare snacks, which could be of benefit to me during the working day and, as with most things, there are stacks of information, advice and guidance. I have pulled together a few of the types of food which could be of benefit to you just for ease. Adding just a few of these into a daily routine should help you to feel a little more energised right through the day. 

I think being able to stick to a plan on this is just as important as anything, so for me, buying things that are often only available in specialist stores isn’t ideal.  I wanted to make sure I could get into a good habit of including these into my diet generally and reaching for them as a snack option during the working day too. 

So… I’ve whittled down the lists to 10 things that I think are tasty, easy to keep up in a routine and that is varied enough to stay interesting! 


  1. Dark chocolate: it’s thought to boost your mood, ease pains, improve blood vessel function which all, in turn, can improve brain function and memory 
  2. Walnuts: full of vitamin B12 and B6. Helps to prevent memory decline. Contains Omega 3 fatty acids which also support memory function 
  3. Chicken : the amino acids found in chicken help the brain to produce dopamine which supports your mental alertness and memory 
  4. Avocado : a rich source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which are known to increase blood flow to the brain, reduce cholesterol and improve antioxidant absorption. Also packed with vitamin E, vitamin K and potassium which are all known to protect the brain 
  5. Coconut oil : has positive impacts on blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol – all brain boosting 
  6. Nuts : a great source of vitamin E which is thought to help prevent memory decline 
  7. Broccoli : increases cognitive function and boosts brainpower. Filled with vitamin K – which will give an energy boost 
  8. Pumpkin seeds : full of zinc – thought to enhance mental agility and memory 
  9. Blueberries : a super fruit which can improve cognitive function and promote good memory 
  10. Spinach : an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate – also packed with magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. Helps to restore energy and increase vitality 


Happy, healthy, energy-boosting office snacking everyone!